
Parallel Session
Time: 9.45 – 11.00
Topic: “Sustainable Transformation of ASEAN Economies Under Major Challenges”
Sustainable Transformation of ASEAN Economies Under Major Challenges: Climate Change, Geopolitical Conflicts, Digital Technology, Aging, and ASEAN Centrality (Muhammad Edhie Purnawan, SE, MA, PhD)
Time: 11.00 – 12.15
Sponsored Session I by Faculty of Economics: Thammasat University (TU)
Topic: Southeast Asia Development
Chairperson: Nattapong Puttanapong
Discussant: TBA
Urban Governance for Livable City Development: Concepts and Case Studies (Kiatanantha Lounkaew)
The Silver Farmer Effect: Exploring the Impact of Aging on Agricultural Productivity in Rural Thailand Using Panel Data (Thasanee Satimanon and Monthien Satimanon)
The Rise of China and Primarization in Southeast Asia (Tanadej Vechsuruck and Naphon Phumma)
Time: 13.15 – 14.30
Sponsored Session II by Faculty of Economics: Khon Kean University (KKU)
Topic: Green Agriculture: GHG Mitigation & Adaptation
Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Phumsith Mahasuweerachai
Discussant: Assoc. Prof. Santi Sanglestsawai
“Burning fields, fading memories: Exploring the effects of sugarcane burning on air quality and cognitive functioning – A case study in Northeast Thailand” presented by Asst. Prof. Tanyamat Srungboonmee
“Does go greener is better: Scenario analysis to predict GHG emission and farmers’ income from different rice practices” presented by Asst. Prof. Jakrapan Suksawat
“Potential ways to enhance green technology adoption among small scale farmers: The cases of temporary financial incentives and social network” presented by Assoc. Prof. Phumsith Mahasuweerachai
Time: 14.30 – 15.45
Sponsored Session III by Faculty of Economics: Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research (PIER)
Topic: Impacts of climate change on agriculture and climate change adaptation in Thailand
Organizers: Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research (PIER), Kasetsart University and Khon Kaen University
Session Chair: Lathaporn Ratanavararak (Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research)
Impacts of climate change on Thailand’s agriculture by Witsanu Attavanich (Kasetsart University)
Discussant: Phumsith Mahasuweerachai (Khon Kaen University)
Drivers of farmers’ adaptation to climate change in Thailand: the role of cognitive biases by Kannika Thampanishvong and Sommarat Chantarat (Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research)
Time: 16.00 – 17.15
Sponsored Session IV by Faculty of Economics: Kasetsart University (KU)
Topic: Climate change in ASEAN Agriculture
Chairperson: Orachos Napasintuwong, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
Discussant: Isriya Bunyasiri, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
Assessing the influence of climate variability and extreme weather events on agricultural land allocation: Insights from rural Thailand (Uchook Duangbootsee and Nicole Mason-Wardell)
Adaptive capacity to salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (Areeya Obidiegwu and Trang Thi My Duyen)
Adapting to climate challenges: Agricultural practices and risk management in Myanmar (Joseph Goeb, Cho Cho San, Zin Wai Aung)
Time: 11.00 – 12.15
Topic: Labour Market
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Phouphet Kyophilavong
Discussant: The presenters take turn discussing each other’s paper.
Economic Diversification and Unemployment Dynamics: Pathways for Sustainable Transformation in ASEAN-6 (Muhamad Rizki Karim Amrulloh, Rima Prama Artha, Dionisius A, Narjoko) (Indonesia)
Aging Population and Economic Growth in OECD, ASEAN, and BRICS Countries: Does Human Capital Matter? (Qori’atul Septiavina; Muhammad Fadli Hanafi) (Indonesia)
The Impact of Pension Systems on the Health of Older Adults in Rural and Urban Households in Thailand (Amanee Hamu) (Thailand)
Time: 13.15 – 14.30
Topic: Inclusive Argiculture
Chairperson: TBA
Willingness to Participate in Agricultural Cooperative: Can Information Nudges Affect Farmers’ Decision to be a Member? (Nguyen Thi Cam Phuong and Ji Yong, Lee) (Vietnam)
Comparative Analysis of the Impacts of the Inclusive Agribusiness in Rice Production in Vietnam and Cambodia (Dr. Vu Cuong) (Vietnam)
Time: 14.30 – 15.45
Topic: Human Capital, Bank Profitability, and Fintech
Chairperson: Chairperson: Harold Teng
Open Discussion
Aging Population and Economic Growth in OECD, ASEAN, and BRICS Countries: Does Human Capital Matter? (Qori’atul Septiavina; Muhammad Fadli Hanafi) (Indonesia)
The Determinant of Bank Profitability in ASEAN: Evidences From Non-Linear Regression (Abdul Mongid) (Indonesia)
The Analyses Of Governance in Fintech (P2P) Lending Industry in Indonesia (Priyanto Soedarsono) (Indonesia)
Time: 16.00 – 17.15
Topic: Technological Advancement
Topic: Chairperson: Tan Jun Rui
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Frontier Technology Readiness and Export of High Technology Products: Evidence from ASEAN (Tien-Ming Yip; Wee-Yeap Lau) (Malaysia)
An Analysis on the Influence of Eco-Innovation on Climate Change Risk in Asia and Europe (2012-2018) (Michaella Abing, Beverlyn Alucilja, Kylla Rejiel Bag-ao, Nurnaharah Pundogar, Abdul Wahid Talib Martha Joy Abing, Charlyn Capulong, Resa Mae Laygan, Maria Rizalia Teves) (Philippines)
A pioneering platform for public policy decision on area-based development vs resource conservation: the GISTDA’s Actionable Intelligence Policy (AIP) (Manoj Potapohn / Ditchaphong Phoomikiattisak) (Thailand)
Time: 11.00 – 12.15
Topic: Cyber security, Money laundering, and Risk Management
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Phouphet Kyophilavong
Discussant: The presenters take turn discussing each other’s paper.
Socioeconomic Awareness of Cyber Security in Society (Dr Firkhan Ali bin Hamid Ali) (Malaysia)
A Cross-Country Analysis of The Effects Of Digitalization On Money Laundering (Paullah Johannah Leopoldo, Donna Leen Mingo, Dina Jane Pasilona, Briget Recososa,Martha Joy Abing, Maria Rizalia Teves, Charlyn Capulong, Resa Mae Laygan) (Philippines)
Strategic Lessons Learned and Risk Management Practices Derived from Listed Companies in Thailand during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Thanarat Chotikasathian) (Thailand)
Time: 13.15 – 14.30
Topic: Political Economy, defense spending and geopolitics
Chairperson: Jovi Clemente Dacanay
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Multiple Equilibria of Corruption and Biased Technological Progress: State Capture and Rent-Seeking in Thailand Underdevelopment (Sira Nukulkit) (Thailand)
A Comparative Assessment of Philippine and Vietnam Strategies in the South China Sea Conflict Management (Rex Marion C. Laguerta) (Philippines)
The Gun versus Butter Dilemma: Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Defense Spending in ASEAN Economies—A Treadmills of Destruction Analysis (Nur Surayya Mohd Saudi; Sulaiman Mahaboob) (Malaysia)
Time: 14.30 – 15.45
Topic: Climate Change, Carbon emissions and Environmental Problems
Chairperson: Harold Teng
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Assessing the Pollution-Haven Hypothesis: Investigating the Determinants for Carbon Emissions in the Philippines” (Adornado, Dios,ne Gelrrick & Pagulayan, Charles Gabriel) (Philippines)
How Climate Change Affects The Economy: A Case of Indonesia (Baiq Try Zulmeida) (Indonesia)
The Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in the ASEAN-5: Evidence from the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory (Yabut, Erika H.) (Philippines)
Time: 16.00 – 17.15
Topic: ESG and Transition Finance
Topic: Chairperson: TBA
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability: Does ESG practice make a difference? (Muhammad Fadli Hanafia; Qori’atul Septiavinb) (Indonesia)
Tracking Progress in Climate Change Policy and Transition Finance in the ASEAN+3 (Laura Britt-Fermo) (Philippines)
What national circumstances explain the choice of carbon pricing instruments (Jirapa Inthisang Trochim) (Thailand)
Time: 11.00 – 12.15
Topic: Economic Integration
Chairperson: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Cuong
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Comparative analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative with other global infrastructure initiatives: prospects and challenges by Euston Quah, Tan Jun Rui and Iuldashov Nursultan (Ms. Tan and Mr. Iuldashov Nursultan) (Singapore)
Can Advancement of a Democratise Digital Economy Affect Income?: An Insight in Selected ASEAN +6 Cooperation (Jonathan Ersten Herawan) (Indonesia)
Time: 13.15 – 14.30
Topic: Inflation, Just Transitions and Debt
Chairperson: Ms. Ngu Wah Win
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Dynamic Effects of Oil Price and Exchange Rate on Inflation in Laos (Phouphet Kyophilavong, Phongsili Soukchalern, Linthone Bouavanheuang, Phoutthasack SENAMOUNTY, Phonephet Sitthivong, Inpaeng Sayvaya and Thongsa Tounmanysone) (Laos)
Navigating Just Transitions: Political and Economic Challenges in Thailand and the Philippines for Sustainable Development (Lucky Loreen S. Legaspi and April Grace U. Lazarito) (Philippines)
Debt Beyond Borders: Causes and consequences of indebtedness among Myanmar migrant workers. (Yin May Win) (Myanmar)
Time: 14.30 – 15.45
Topic: Transnational Migration and Economic Challenges
Chairperson: Sulaiman Mahbob
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
Economic Consequences of Human Capital Leakage in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study of Cambodia (Jacqueline Tan and Youngho Chang) (Singapore)
Climate change, economic challenges, and transnational migration in the Mekong Delta: A case study on farmers’ mobility (Mai Phuc Thinh) (Vietnam)
Remittances for Social Resilience and Recovery: Coping with Conflict Dynamics in Myanmar (Ms. Ngu Wah Win) (Myanmar)
Time: 16.00 – 17.15
Topic: Education and social security
Chairperson: Harold Teng
Discussant: The presenters take turns discussing each other’s paper.
The Relationship between ADHD and Education Performance in Thailand (Thitima Puttitanun and Attasuda Lerskullawat) (Thailand)
The Impact of The Increasing Number of Informal Workers on The Implementation Of Employment Social Security In ASEAN (Andri Ronaldo Pasaribu) (Indonesia)
The Effect of Old Age Allowance on Poverty and Income Inequality among Thai Households (Voramast Limteerakul) (Thailand)